New Mobility


This sector is transforming an existing industry

How we define it

The New Mobility sector spans technologies that replace standard components, vehicles, and associated technologies to improve the environmental footprint of the transportation industry.

Why it matters

  • Energy efficiency: Electric vehicles are much more efficient at converting energy from the source to power at the wheels than internal combustion engines (using renewable fuels going forward) and hydrogen fuel cell vehicles are somewhere in between. Since the range of energy densities for vehicles means that each has a best fit, cleantech is needed to improve efficiency — especially to optimize the capacity of the future renewable power grid. Technologies for light-weighting, route management, autonomous and connected driving, and asset optimization are examples.

  • Emissions reduction: Vehicle emissions of GHGs and criteria pollutants are most accurately evaluated on a life-cycle basis for production and operation, rather than focusing on tailpipe emissions. Solutions are needed to optimize the reduction of life-cycle emissions, such as low NOx truck engines, longer-life batteries, and greener supply chains.

  • Operational needs: Cleantech innovation is needed to address operational needs, high-power charging systems, enhanced battery thermal management, better power electronics, and new hydrogen compressors and storage vessels.


Project Drawdown

The cleantech for this sector contributes to 8 Project Drawdown solutions and the reduction/sequestration of 34.49 - 57.25 gigatons of carbon equivalent (2020-2050).

Drawdown Solutions: Efficient Aviation, Efficient Ocean Shipping, Efficient Trucks, Electric Bicycles, Electric Cars, Electric Trains, High-Speed Rail, Hybrid Cars

Key GRI Environmental Standards

301, 302

Sustainable Development Goals Target 11.2


Alice Sun

Website designer with Impact Media Lab. Freelance content creator. Nature nerd. A person who has a lot of thoughts about life.


Industry Edge


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